- December 25, 2021
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Blog

Bangladesh Nari Sramik Kendra (BNSK) is a women workers’ organization organized in 2010
for the realizing the women workers’ rights, welfare and development. In the last one year, BNSK
has provided training, financial assistance and socio-economic development assistance to about
5,000 female migrant workers returning from abroad during the Covid pandemic period.
To protect the rights of women workers ahead of International Migrant Day 2021, 17 December
2021, BNSK, Migrant Workers Development Program (OKAP), Bangladesh Migrant Workers
Forum (BOSF), Association for Social Development of Bangladesh (ASDB) and Social Workers
(SASF) Together they organized a huge rally of migrant workers. The rally started from Shahid
Minar Chattar and ended in front of the National Press Club. Migrant workers and their families,
migrant women workers and migrant rights activists spoke at the rally. The heads of the organizing
organizations spoke at the rally also.
Ms. Sumaiya Islam, Executive Director, BNSK said, “Even after 50 years of independence, we
are yet far behind in achieving what is meant by economic emancipation of women workers. At
this moment, we need to build a skilled workforce of migrant women workers and ensure that they
have the necessary support at home and abroad. Only then will the income from women migration
increase in the country and Bangladesh will move forward to achieve the SDG target. Moreover,
we have to ensure bilateral negotiation with receiving countries for Justice for Migrants in
destination and Stop Wage theft by the employers. We have to confirm socioeconomic inclusion
of our returnee women migrant workers.”
Mr. Abul Hossain, BOSF Adviser, said that, if the rights of the migrants are protected, the wheel
of the country’s economy will accelerate. Migration of women migrants will be more meaningful if
the cost of migration can be reduced to Zero cost i.e. Employers pay principle! ”
Mr. Omar Farooq Chowdhury, Executive Director of OKUP, said, “By training the returning
migrants, it is possible to utilize the experience gained abroad in the economic development of
Bangladesh. We can encourage migrant workers to invest remittances earned in the development
of the country. If we are vigilant in protecting the rights of migrant workers, both the country and
the people will survive. ”
Ms. Samanta from Warbe DF shared her insights how to stop deprivation of workers from their
rights as human, woman and workers. She also stressed on keeping the Dignity of workers at
forefront of everything.
Ms. Shiuli Sikder, Vice President, ASDB said, “Women emancipation and emancipation of women
workers are complementary. Today, if we keep half of the country’s manpower women excluded
from the trend of development, no development will be sustainable. Therefore, our demand is to
involve women workers and migrant women workers, in particular, in the mainstream of
development in Bangladesh. ”
In this context, the collective demands of migrant workers are as follows:
1. The status of all migrant workers, men and women, as human beings and workers should be
given priority everywhere in the country and abroad. Migrant rights are human rights!
2. The work of domestic migrant workers must be recognized as a work in accordance with
Convention 189 of the International Labor Organization (ILO). The dignity and rights of women
domestic workers should be treated as human rights. The rights of women domestic workers are
human rights.
3. The working hours of women migrant workers should be 8 hours per day. Wages must be
doubled for overtime hours of daily work volume of 8 hours. Unpaid wages of workers include
theft of wages – Stop the wage-theft of women domestic migrant workers immediately. It is a must
4. All women workers in the country and abroad have to pay the prescribed working hours in
accordance with the conventions of the International Labor Organization.
5. Bangladesh’s migration costs are higher than all other countries in the world. Immediately
through negotiations and bargaining at the government level, you have to spend zero immigration,
do it. Immigration costs must be paid to the owner.
6. The government of Bangladesh and the employers in destination must take all necessary steps
to improve the skills of all migrant workers to provide. Skills development is an essentiality to
address the demand of 4
th Industrial revolution so that Employers may reap the harvest the return
over investment in Skills. Skills is the human rights of a migrant workers, do it.
7. It is a human right for women migrant workers and women domestic workers to maintain
women’s health. Arrangements for six months’ leave with pay including maternity allowances
should be made immediately at home and abroad. Governments and Employers have to accept.
The Bangladesh Nari Sramik Kendra (BNSK) and its affiliates urge the Ministry of Expatriate
Welfare and Overseas Employment and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to immediately implement
the above demands